Two of my older cameras that I have not used since at least 2015: Canon EOS 450D and Panasonic Lumix TZ70. I currently use my Sony ILCE-6300, but I also find the iPhone 11 Pro Max to be a surprisingly good camera.
I would not describe myself as a photographer but I certainly enjoy taking photographs. I like to record events like parties, weddings, holidays and so forth. I am quite sure that back in the 70's, 80's and 90's I may have been considered a bit of a nuisance as I usually had a camera of some sort with me and at the time some people did not like having someone snapping away. In my experience though those same people are glad now that I did, as in many cases there would be no visual record of people and events.
An old girlfriend of mine once pointed out that if I am not very good at something I don't even attempt it. This was one of those comments that could be taken two ways, either as a negative or a positive aspect of my character. In any event this was quite perceptive of her and she is quite right, whether I like it or not! Whilst I know little about the technical side of photography I am a perfectionist in all things and seem to have an eye for a good shot; I see interesting shapes, colours and juxtapositions, sometimes in the most mundane things.
Since digital photography came along everything changed. All of a sudden it did not matter how many shots you took as you were no longer forking out for film and developing. Incidentally, on the subject of developing, I used to send a lot of my films off to York Photo to be developed; they went under various names and were, I believe, the largest company of its kind for some time. They just happened to be based in my home town of Newton Abbot!
I've never been able to afford a really good camera and for most of the time I considered myself lucky to have one or two Canon cameras, which I really liked. When digital settled down and became good I bought a Canon camera again; it was what I was used to and I was in my comfort zone. More recently I was able to purchase a new Sony digital camera and I have to say I am very pleased with it, and especially the Sony Zeiss lens that cost more than the body!
Like most people I take a lot of photos on a smartphone. I actually had a smart phone back in 2002 - it was an O2 XDA and well ahead of its time, but it did not take photographs. When Steve Jobs showed off the first iPhone back in 2007 I was hooked - I just had to have one! I'm afraid I'm a bit of a sap when it comes to gadgets. I've had many iPhone's since that first one and I think the one I have now - the 11 Pro Max - has an astonishingly good set of cameras. Whilst the iPhone is actually very good for all sorts of photography I reach for the Sony when I need to do something just a bit special.